and so. next company i'll be joining is definitely stable. but of course i am psyching myself up for a challenging time; given the kind of business and organisation.
another year done for dearie's studies. with just another half year ahead, the finishing line is visible now. persevere on dearie! all the hard work will be worth it.
i try to make it a point to see mummy once a week. i feel bad our korea holiday plan will have to be put on hold for a while.. i promise i will realise it once i settle into the new job. =)
with the kindle dearie bought me, i have been able to read more. this has always been something i want to do more and the kindle has helped me achieve that. i also make it a point to read news twice a day - once in the morning, once during lunch time. it helps us understand market movements a little better.
we traded 8 months of equities and have pretty ok realised returns. we have bought in some close year end. let's hope for a rally next year!
training has taken a back seat in our lives this year. while we still do run to stay fit and keep fats away, we no longer train intensively. i still want to make it a point to continue to run as it helps me clear my mind.
i took up exercises recommended by pa and ma. although i have not seen any significant weight loss like pa, but i do find my arms toned up now. it has helped me upkeep my tummy flatness to some extent, although i've been skiving on my core exercises. so my verdict? it works!!
i have done fairly well in terms of my savings this year. i have budgeted forward for next year and hope to save more!
and so my resolutions for the coming year:
1. work hard in my new job
2. save more
3. continue to run and stay fit
4. continue to do 强身操daily
5. bring mummy on a holiday by 2nd half next year
6. keep up with my reading
7. play the piano more?
happy new year everyone!