Thursday, January 12, 2012

kafka to bird chronicle

completed kafka on the shore today. took me 3 weeks to read cover to cover. and i'm listening to the beethoven archduke trio mentioned in the book.

plot of kafka on the shore is weird; unique if this is a better word to describe it. the story line is like a clockwork which gradually makes its full turn. you can't predict what will happen next. bits of the story gel together by a peculiar glue. definitely not your typical fiction read. conclusively, i like the read. i like haruki murakami's writing enough to line another of his earlier book in my next read.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

huff puff

stepping into office each day is like stepping on a non-stop treadmill. you just run endlessly till into the night.

my mind is at a point blank at this moment. there are so many things to be done. it can be overwhelming.

there goes another exec. she tendered when we came back from the long new year weekend.

i wonder why i am able to survive? is it because i have stopped thinking what all these is leading me to?

there's little to look forward for now. promotion is a near impossible. chances of a meaty pay raise might be vanquished with the slowing economy. so what else can there be but tasks that are left to be completed?

time for myself becomes shorter as hours at work stretch longer.

i hate to lament.

a new project is starting. i have these mixed feelings. on one hand it is an opportunity to do something different. on the other, it means even longer hours. fast forward to end of it, question is asked if it adds value to my career. shrug.

alright, back onto the treadmill now. huff huff puff puff.