1. billy’s mum: she played the most important role in the whole wedding, from sourcing to preparation, right down to execution. The whole event won’t have happened without her. thank you so much, ma.
2. billy’s dad: thank you pa for supporting us through the wedding. The food you picked was marvelous. =)
3. billy’s bro, john: thank you john for taking the week off early to help us tie all the loose ends.. you can count on us for your wedding in the coming future!
4. tricia’s mummy: thank you mummy. I can never say enough thank you to all you have done in my life.
5. tricia’s kor, Kenneth: I was of no help during my kor’s wedding some years ago.. but he had went the extra mile for me during mine. It really put me to shame how selfish I was then..but I promise I’ll shower my little nephews with more love to express my thanks to my bro and sis in law.
6. tricia’s sis-in-law, lee fen: thank you for taking charge of the gatecrash morning. you really brightened up the entire atmosphere.
7. tricia’s nephew, ming hui: thank you my little boy for ushering uncle billy in =)
8. billy’s sister, wendy: thank you for coming down from Kelantan to help out in the wedding. Didn’t get to catch up with you much but I hope we can have more time to share like the times in kl =)
9. john’s gf, Alicia: thank you for taking time to come despite of your exam the very next day. you are a part of the family..and really look forward to the day I can help me a jie mei for you.
10. runfanatics’ manager, Eugene: thank you so much bro for being the driver and brother through the wedding. We are really grateful for the help.. and did you remember to throw some leaves back into the car before you returned it? =P
11. runfanatics’ atm, weeling: thank you for being photographer, video grapher, lighting helper, car coordinator.. all the roles you have played..countless! hug hug..thank you sis.
12. tricia’s best friend, christin: thank you for being the sister in my life since new life days. And yes, you are one of the 3 most important people in my life =)
13. christin’s hubby, ravi: thank you for coming early to help out. I enjoyed talking to you much…and hope we can enjoy pot wine together again! =D
14. allen & tisha: thank you for coming to the wedding.. can’t wait to see the arrival of your junior! Wowww!!
15. Johnny: thank you for capturing the moments of the wedding for us. You are really professional! =)
16. tricia’s dad: I often face my dad with mixed emotions. i respect him as my dad but I feel that he should treat my mum with more respect and appreciation too.
16. our relatives and friends who made time to be a part of the event..
Our lives are inseparable from these loved ones around us. The event has been made good because we have you! =D
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