- we picked pa at senai airport on Friday evening. Senai airport is undergoing some major construction and the temporary area set up looks a tad rundown for an airport.
- we ran ah-gu route with pa, john and wendy. It was just pleasant doing it with family =)
- dearie took me along to kl for the site survey. We went to mid-valley for a few hours and we both managed to buy some things for ourselves. the highlight of it was the yummy-licious penang laksa we had. Wow.. it is the best I’ve eaten..nothing like those I’ve tried in
- ma cooked us wonderful meals that we could not stop eating: pork ribs, curry rendang, meatball soup.. I’m trying to pick up some of her culinary skills so I can feed dearie as good as she does it.
- we slept in late every day. napped through the noon heat and gambled at night. =)
- first time I traveled back on train back to
- first time in our lives we distributed ang paos. Hehe. I confess we were kind of scroog-y with them this year. we don’t have a lot to spare but we’ll try to be more generous next year. with the completion of my studies and hopefully the betterment of the economy, I believe we would have more to go around.
- we caught several good movies on dvd. I enjoyed both the kite runner and the reader immensely; ip man follows close. The Korean hunk show was a dud.. like some airhead bimbo flick. Transporter 3 was visually entertaining but lacked depth. The passenger had a good plot, similar to the sixth sense, with the unexpected twist at the end. Ponyo by the cliff was cute..simple little mermaid story.. but not many in the family were drawn to cutesy cartoon. I’ve still got juno and true heart to watch and I’m down to the last few episodes of true heart already! =)
- I concurred with dearie that cny this year has mellowed down significantly. We can’t put our finger on what the underlying reason might be. Perhaps the bleak outlook of the economy..perhaps the fear of retrenchment.. perhaps there just isn’t as much to celebrate about any more.
On a separate note, options class started on Friday. The prof is really good, giving us detailed explanation and patiently going through some of the quantitative fundamentals we ought to already know. There was not a single dull moment during class; learning is always enriching.=) assignment is pretty challenging though. Personally, I am giving myself 3-4days to run through the notes in order to digest all that’s been taught. I’ll start on my computation and research on Friday. The monitoring and analysis must start by next Monday as the time span we are required to do is 2 weeks. So at least I have a few days buffer to tie the loose ends with Sharon and marilyn before submission.
The pair of ds-trainers has bided goodbye and tempo is soon on its way too. fortunately dearie bought me the pair of trail shoes for the mr training. nonetheless, when tempo is gone, I will have to get a new pair. The thought of spending on a new pair of shoes really puts me down. long gone are the days when I splurge on training equipment. I am unwilling to spend $150 on a new pair of shoes because they don’t last me very long. in addition, I don’t get good discounts like I used to. gee, why is running getting so expensive these days? =( maybe I should soon become a bare foot running advocate for nike; not because it works but because it’s low-cost (provided you step on nails and broken glass!) =P
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