My eyesight has been deteriorating. Words from afar look blurry these days. Dearie says it’s a sign of short sightedness. It’s been bothering me as I had to squint badly at the projected slides. I can barely read what prof writes on the board. =( I do need to get my eyes re-examined soon. i’m swarmed with assignments; so many of them it overflows from the brim. I need to prepare for the exam end of the month too.
Dearie bought me a birthday present yesterday. I love it and thank you so much, dearie. To me it contained a dream I want to look forward to. Dearie said one day when I become a full-fledged accountant, I will need this.
This morning, I thought about my future, as I walked to catch my morning company bus. Graduation doesn’t seem too far off; another 4 months to my last exam. All seems so close, yet so far. Like that blurry vision in front of me; clear at times, blur on other times.
Some good habits I thought I want to start inculcating: Reading WSJ and the economist on a daily basis. After listening to prof talk about the kinds of information he gathered from WSJ over the years, I feel by keeping myself abreast to the going-on in the market place will be helpful. When I was still pursuing my acca, I used frequent the library on a weekly basis and ensure I got the latest issues of economist. That habit dwindled off over the years and I think it’s time to rekindle that again.
The market is huge out there and I am astounded by how little I know about it. I’ve been confined within the 4 walls of my tuas office, unknown to me the world developed at a pace I am struggling to keep up.
This is so timely as dearie has offered me an opportunity to do some finance management for him. Wow. He is giving me a chance to put the things I study into good use! =) i will have to delve into some things I have on my mind but have never put into practice.. do some fact finding and analysis on my own. Intend to start on this once portfolio mgmt exams are over.
Keeping informed of what goes on in the economy is crucial in investing. Prof expressed his view on the market and I found it mind opening. He said, “ the market is a filter. It filters information from the economy and reacts to it.” There is a lot of truth in this statement as he went on to talk about beating the market and how it ties back into the different investment strategies. It comes down to the fact that if we believe that the market is efficient, then we will never be able to beat the market. There are indeed very few Warren Buffetts in the world who can beat the market consistently. I think there are more Ponzis and Madoffs than Warrens. =P
There are still many ways to earn decent returns on investments - that’s my perspective. I’ve thus far been a risk adverse investor.. hence my expected return will be relatively lower. Well, if an investment says it can yield you 10-20% returns per annum, then you better consider if it’s a ponzi scheme or not! =)
really excited with this new 'assignment'! got to make sure it's a piece of High Distinction work. =) and yes..i need new lenses i can see the gains coming up ahead!