Managed to clear the CPA admission exam. Received it in snail mail yesterday, after may sms-ed to tell me she passed. This is definitely a step forward for me because that means I have the seal of approval to apply for my cpa (non-pract) full membership. Apr 2010, I will fulfill the required 3 years’ experience. Yay! It’s not too far away..although it could have been accelerated if I have kept proper testimonial from my first job at Carrefour. That’s almost 8months of experience gone to waste because I have not obtained a testimonial to verify my work with them. Lesson learnt: always remember to get your employer to give you a testimonial before you leave the company. Even if they may not have good things to boast about you, the duration you were with them stated on the testimonial is most important.
Went for a run with dearie yesterday and I felt really out of form. The 13km run was not difficult but neither easy. I fret for the 42km next Sunday to be honest. Dearie gave me a prep talk and that helped calm my nerves to some extent. Got to do some simple calculations.. keep pace.. focus.. and make this trip a worthwhile one.
Caught “My Magic” on tv yesterday. A poignant film. The father’s sacrificial love for the son touched me.
FIS exam is this Wednesday and I am feeling somewhat jittery about it. The phobia of failing still persist.. but somehow, having worked through the 2 assignments, I think I kind of know what I am studying better. Like the run, got to make sure I give a good shot, do well and go on holiday with a peace of mind.
School’s been busy for dearie and i. something I tell mself is this will not last forever. every time I receive results that I’ve cleared the term.. it gives me that ommph! I can almost see the finish line and it is important I keep my eyes on them and sprint towards the end. A couple of classmates and I were discussing about graduation and james suggested we can consider going to
It’s been a tiring month..but it is worth it. It is the accumulation of every bit of effort that will help me rise above the rest. =)
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