I shall leave my words of thanks till the very end; give everyone a hug and tell my loved ones how much I appreciate the support and encouragement they have showered on me during this journey.
Meantime, it is dearie’s turn to the battle. Wishing him all the best for his micro-processor assessment this evening. His exams are drawing very near too. We will work hard together.
I’m still waiting for my icpas response which is taking too long. 2nd intensive for corp finance in 2.5 weeks. Assignment and presentation are due on the Sunday of the 2nd intensive. This will have a 50% weightage. After 2nd intensive, another 3 weeks before my final exam of the year. I am getting so close I can literally smell the graduation scroll in my hands!
Yes, I am looking around for career advancement. Time to move on.
Oh ya, out of random, still can’t decide when I should go for my haircut. Hmm..
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