After the sucking, my wrist swelled into one big blue-black lump. =( all that hit my pain threshold on a 7 out of 10. guess what she did next? She used her 2 thumbs and rubbed the swell down! Damn??! That was on the pain threshold of almost 9. I was in so much pain and agony. Pain. Pain. Pain. She then wrapped my wrist in gauze and that was the treatment. She then went on to tell me patients with similar injury usually recover after this. I think they won’t dare to come back even if they haven’t recovered. Haha. But I do hope it works..then the pain will be worth it. it’s Monday now and my bruised wrist is still painful to lateral movement.
Dearie gave mummy, dad and I a lift to my grandma’s place. I haven’t seen her in a long while. It was really good to pay her a visit. It made my heart ached a little, because I saw her getting up to see us off..and there was so much reluctance on her face. She just wanted a little of our time. Our presence made her very happy. She ate all the food we brought her. i hope we can make time to visit her more often. Sometimes with the busy-ness in our daily lives, we forget these important people around us.
We did our 2 loops at MR on Sunday. My legs were aching after 1 loop but I knew these 2 loops were important to the training. It can be so easy to just stop and give up, but it is persistence that requires more strength. I reminded myself that dearie has already started running his 2nd and I would definitely feel sore if he completed his 2 loops while I succumbed to laziness and stopped at 1. That pushed me on. Timing was not impressive but the completion was more important. With 4 more weeks to shm, these 2 loops made me feel more prepared. Now that I know I can finish the distance, it’s down to how fast I can finish. My target is to get 1 of the 30 medals. Shm will only be giving finisher medals to the first 30 lady runners who come in. i am aiming to get one of it.
We watched an interesting movie called “the Japanese wife” on Sunday. Bitter sweet story. somewhat impossible to happen..but life is about impossibles sometimes, isn’t it?
I am enjoying my weekends more these days..that I find them too short at times. A good weekend to me consist of:
- it has to be spent with dearie
- we spend time with my mummy. Have dinner with parents.
- we go for our runs, be it on our own or with safra
- we spend time resting. After the long run, we take a nice nap.
- we catch 1-2 home movies.
Oh yes, today is ma’s birthday. Wishing her a happy and blessed birthday! =D
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