i am thankful yenling let me tag along and i was warning her if i fell, she mustn't laugh..or i'll whack her. haha..so we arranged to meet 4.30am along upp bt timah this morning.
at 3.45am i was up and got ready for the ride. dearie was worried, fully aware how clumsy i am and fearing the big-headed michelin mascot might fall, he got up and went out with me on his mtb. my escort =)
at 4.10am we were out. the ground was wet and i reckoned it rained earlier. dearie said it was raining but i said it was not. he probably had some foresight! so we biked out, heading to upp bt timah.
at teck whye it suddenly (and sudden it was!) the sky started to pour. it was madness. we were caught by surprise and scrambled to the nearest bus stop (in front of the cck polyclinic). we waited but the rain did not seem to cease. dearie suggested that he biked back and then drive out to pick me. it was dangerous to bike in the rain..with the poor visibility and slippery road. but he insisted the rain didn't seem like it would stop for a long while and so i relented. dearie came back quickly in less than 25mins and we were headed home.
the rain was bad i read from fb that there was a mini-flood in telok kurau. apparently that friend sighted a fridge in the middle of the road. wow. i wonder how the fridge got there. the carpark next to our block was also a little flooded.
so much for an attempt to bike. i was a little worried about my bike handling actually..but i realised i still love the feeling of being on the bike. i love the geometry of my bike..and i felt regretful why would i want to put it for sale. i have posted the brake lever of my bike on the left..no particular reason why brake lever..i have a strange affinity with brake levers(not this particular one..another one which is still in my study room).. and i thought the angle of this shot looked pretty professional. haha..at least from this amateur's point of view.
so i resolve to attempt to bike again. hmm. maybe next sat?
it was kind of nice sleeping in till 10.30am. ahh. we should go for an easy run before curry istimewawa! nice weather to stay home and do tons of reading. business times. straits times. technical analysis. chomp down more info. grow myself intellectually. that's the only kind of chomping that actually does NOT get me fat.
did u hear i was on k-pop? dearie is getting mildly irritated with my boyband k-pop playlist. hoho. who knows i might get to meet some of them on the streets next year..and i can go up and say Ahn-Nyeong Hah-Seh-Yo!!!
Urgh. What is with k-pop these days man... :x
i don't know leh. i find it quite enjoyable though i found it irritating when i heard a shop at far east blasting it.
i'm just trying to get into the korean mood coz i want to go to korea for holiday!
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