Saturday, February 08, 2014

one post per month

all the updates have been sporadic these days.

there's alot to do. never ending list of work to do. one deadline after another. it doesn't seem to end.

glad we are learning new things; baby steps to learn a new language. others in class seem to be flying, i'm barely crawling.

the home project has been going great so far. we finished painting of the living room, 2 bedrooms and the 1 toilet today. just 1 more room and doors to paint. i love the white walls. it makes the place look alot bigger. the fresh coat of paint makes everything new. great opportunity to spring clean. we don't have alot to dump as we have been packing our stuff every now and then. both the kitchen and toilets are the challenge which we will slowly fix up after the time-consuming painting. as we are on a shoe-string budget, we will go mainly diy. paint the cabinets. seal the ones which we don't intend to use. it will probably take us another month or so - a long drawn process, but a really worthwhile one. we live here, this is our home, and we will do all it takes to make it more pleasant. after we get through this, i want to pick up my piano over the weekends again.

should i be writing more. doubt it for now. no real compelling reason to do so.

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