I’m pretty on time to complete my revision before exams. I can’t imagine missing 2 rf trainings consecutively, therefore I am still going to be there for training on sat morning before exams. In order to be able to do so, I must ensure I have revised well through that’ll leave no need for last minute cramming on the morning itself. I reckon running before training may not be a bad idea as getting blood run through my brain will definitely wake me up. it’s not a long paper, 3 hours for pof, 2 hours for econs, I’m sure I will be able to hold through pretty decently.
Scsm is less than a month away, as much as I hope I can better my timing from last year’s I also recognize the fact that my mileage has been pretty insignificant compared to what I managed to clock last year. Therefore, I can only hope to hold my run within the 5 hour window.
We’ll be missing rf training for the weekend, both track on sat and 35km run on sun. nonetheless, dearie and I have made plans (and will be determined to accomplish) for training on our own. Tonight we’ve planned to do some easy track training, something easy as we’ve already been tortured yesterday. we’ll run on fri and sat..on which one of the days we’ll go over to the slope behind dearie’s place. the gradient of that slope is crazy, worse than the np one we did last week, but shorter of course. I’m thinking we can probably do anything from 6-10sets. We did 10 sets at np (4 short, 6 long). Running the ah-gu loops is fun..with lots of up and down..so it’s nothing like running on a flat road. Good thing is we will have to do it no matter what because mum goes brisk walking everyday, so that’ll be a perfect motivating force for us to get our butts off our seats. With all these training, it should keep us in proper form before wed’s training. we could really use some mileage..maybe we can make that up on the 16th after my exam on the 15th. A 30km run will be great to have. we’ll plan.. plan and execute!
I’ve also penned down the revision work i’m hoping to complete during the break. I love studying at dearie’s house. We get to do our work at the big dining table (this gives us lots of space to sprawl all our barang around).. the place is bright and peaceful (minus the music I always play in the background).
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