work is dreadful these days. tpl is a monster. she's worse than fiona and shirley from carrefour days. i'm hanging on for my dear life till end of the year. many moments of the day, helplessness overcomes me and tears just well up in my eyes. i try to brace myself for the worse. i am still accepting it all and taking things in my stride. i don't know how long i can hold on. a part of me tells me i should hang on till i finish my studies because economy is bad and i may not find another suitable job; it might turn out worse. yet, another part of me dread that worthlessness, like a small leaf being trampled on by others in the office. i wish the wind would bring me along and land me somewhere else. =(
time to sleep. i'm tired- mentally, physically and emotionally. i'm looking forward to next week. it ends on thursday and i won't have to face the monster for 6 days. -heaves a sigh of relief-
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