i can't imagine reading the EVA textbook because it's thicker than the bible. -gulps- my strategy for EVA will be the 'attack' the questions head-on. That's because Mr Graeme has delivered good lectures that helped us understand the context of EVA.
On contrary, the FSA lecturer dictated the slides; of which all the info was found in the textbook. I drifted off during lecture, thanks to his gibberish slang. Hence, I'm left with no other choice but to do the reading myself.. which I have just completed doing so! ahhhhhhhh..good =)
Have to get the assignment out by Sunday and email it to Marilyn for consolidation. This assignment is due next Friday..got to work hard.
Good thing EVA assignment deadline has been postponed till 19th. So I've got a fair bit of time to work things out and also revise for the exams on 20th and 27th.
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