Tuesday, October 27, 2009

long lapses. new things to come.

I seem to have fewer things to blog about these days. Perhaps I am finding less need to air them in this virtual space, as I found listeners among my loved ones. The rise of facebook somehow overshadowed blogs. People get immediate responses to a wide audience of friends on fb. Why still blog then?

I find I have lesser time to halt and pen down thoughts at work these days too.

Life is pretty much the same. Still waiting for results. How come UK bodies respond faster than Australia and Singapore? I got my UK response in 2 weeks. It’s been 4 weeks for both Australia and Singapore.

Work has been relatively the same too. Still the same rants and unjustified feeling. More work to do these days as I am covering for a colleague on 2 weeks’ mc.

I’m running a lot more with dearie these days. =) I am looking to sell my marathon slot as I have been advised that will do my Tokyo marathon no good but more harm.

There were episodes which I feel I have learnt from. The frailty of human relationships. The power of words. Anger management.

School starts this week. 7 weeks to my final exam. And if all things go smoothly, graduation will be well in sight.

There will soon be new beginnings..new endeavours.. new things to learn.

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