my staff commented my teleconversation were highly audible. i better learn to keep my volume down..and those things that should not be discussed in office and during working hours, i must remind myself to keep quiet about them.
I missed doing a review of my 3rd month with this company. Doing a late 3.5 month one instead.
There were a couple of learning opportunities given by the director. I have taken them on, with an effort to get the best out of them. Nonetheless it can be daunting at times; dabbling with things I have not done before. But I am thankful for a supportive boss.. a demanding but still relatively reasonable director..and good colleagues I can share woes with.
The overall performance of the company remains unimpressive. The quarter in red will land the company in a sub-optimal financial position for the whole year. There is a whole lot to catch up on for the next 3 quarter. As we begin 2nd quarter, I am still not seeing the light. The management is getting all jittery about it. I am finding the peformance demoralizing because it will mean the company will have less to reward its people with. It will mean more cost cutting measures too. I am trying to not let the monetary issue get in the way and turn my focus on the learning opportunities and growth. The six months mark to confirmation still seems far out of sight.
The target is still set at 2 years for the moment. I have completed almost 3.5months out of 24. 85% or 20.5 months to go.
Dearie had finished his exam yesterday, finally marking the completion of his 2nd term. We have just 1 more year to go and we know it will be worth all the time and effort.
I was on the verge to throw the towel in...but dearie reminded reasons to go on. Why am I here in the first place? What did I set out to achieve?
No matter where I go there will be challenges. There will be bound to be difficult people which I will have to learn to deal with. Everyone makes mistakes. What makes us stand out from the rest is how we pick ourselves up and learn from the mistakes.
I have a long way to go. And for now, there is no giving up.
P.S: I like this photo of the tree at the hill around Lake Kawaguchi. Aww..i miss Japan!
The whole ordeal of using a sluggish laptop has driven me up the wall. On final resort, despite not wanting to lug my own laptop to and fro, I brought my own today.
After switching on the laptop and using it, I wish I have done so earlier. It would have saved me from a lot of frustration. I have voiced out on several occasions about my unhappiness with the company’s laptop. Nothing was done. I received some sniggles instead. I felt it was totally uncalled for.
I think it is only fair that the company provides its staff with decent tools. Obviously the laptop is not decent. It is almost comparable to the 10 year-old desktop I used in my previous company. Call me impatient, but when you are pushed by the management to produce timely reports and quick responses, the slow laptop can really top the frustration off.
If I am being questioned why I am using a personal computer at work, I will ask them to look at the laptop allocated. Perhaps they can have a go on it and see if they will like working with it. If the company is not doing anything about it, I am.
I’ve been feeling irritable at work. I have issues making sense of the disclosures and segregation they want to make. There are also many things I am still coming to terms with.
After working through my Sunday, I submitted the report only to be returned twice with changes. Not because it is wrong..but because it has to be presented in other ways.
I remind myself I am learning. I need to adapt. I have to follow. i need to get the hang of it. In these times, I tell myself, there is an end to this. Another 1 year and 9 months. Let’s hope the next leap will be a better one.
I received my namecard yesterday. Looked at it for a moment and just felt mildly pleased that I have attained that title placed beneath my name. As I put the 2 boxes of name cards back, a vendor’s name card lied nearby in my drawer. I imagined how perfect it will be if my name was imprinted on a namecard from that company. To add the cherry to the icing, maybe with his title beneath my name. tax director. Haha..that’s dreaming beyond my league.
Shuts the drawer. End of dream.
My thoughts were diverted to some unhappiness of pay disparity in the company. It happens everywhere. I am just learning to come to terms with it; that there will always be some who are favoured. Some who can wriggle themselves into good positions without truly having the capabilities. Some who can get away with things. Hard work is like Chinese medicine. It is slow to effect.
Dearie is right. Albeit feeling unjustified, I will choose to continue to work hard. Give my best to things so my conscience is clear. So that I can be blameless in front of those who assess me. So that i can be proud that I made it to where I am with what my capabilities and what I can offer to the company. I will get there. It is a matter of time. And time will prove capabilities.
I started to think how else can I add value to my work. Would going for a financial modeling course help? How well will getting a tax accreditation sit into my career? Would getting the cfa add more value to me?
The whole investment thing I’ve been trying to master is still a big blur. I stared at the charts and wondered what should I be doing? I read my book and still found no answers. There is a sea of counters out there. So which one? When? How much?
I still have a lot of questions to answer and things to find out. I found it somewhat startling to realize how little I know.