The whole ordeal of using a sluggish laptop has driven me up the wall. On final resort, despite not wanting to lug my own laptop to and fro, I brought my own today.
After switching on the laptop and using it, I wish I have done so earlier. It would have saved me from a lot of frustration. I have voiced out on several occasions about my unhappiness with the company’s laptop. Nothing was done. I received some sniggles instead. I felt it was totally uncalled for.
I think it is only fair that the company provides its staff with decent tools. Obviously the laptop is not decent. It is almost comparable to the 10 year-old desktop I used in my previous company. Call me impatient, but when you are pushed by the management to produce timely reports and quick responses, the slow laptop can really top the frustration off.
If I am being questioned why I am using a personal computer at work, I will ask them to look at the laptop allocated. Perhaps they can have a go on it and see if they will like working with it. If the company is not doing anything about it, I am.
I’ve been feeling irritable at work. I have issues making sense of the disclosures and segregation they want to make. There are also many things I am still coming to terms with.
After working through my Sunday, I submitted the report only to be returned twice with changes. Not because it is wrong..but because it has to be presented in other ways.
I remind myself I am learning. I need to adapt. I have to follow. i need to get the hang of it. In these times, I tell myself, there is an end to this. Another 1 year and 9 months. Let’s hope the next leap will be a better one.
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