- some team issues were addressed. Will update the runners accordingly tomorrow. There are still details to be worked out so I’m hoping for more forthcoming response.
- trained with dearie at stadium yesterday and I managed to follow what he set out for me to do. Pleased with my timing, except for the 400m sprint at the end. When I reached the 300m mark, I could not even lift my legs. They felt like 2 anvils, which I was dragging over the last 100m. I only managed a 1.36 and (I know I shouldn’t have) I threw my temper. I raised my voice to tell him we have just done 10km of race pace, and another 400m sprint was crazy. =( sorry dearie.. I was just angry with myself. You are right, I am not conditioned to do that 400m..hence the lousy timing.
- managed to complete one longggg assignment question on yield to maturity. I need to make faster progress as the due date is drawing near. I need to sleep, eat and live FIS!
Icpas pre-ad classes start tomorrow again. I’ll be doing the cbd march again! Hehe. I am kind of looking forward to get out of tuas for now.
It will be a hectic thurs to sun.
Thurs – pre ad class. Revise for pre ad test on fri.
Fri – pre ad class in the morning. pre ad test in the after noon. Dinner at mummy’s! (that’s the best part of the day) last up, Portfolio class 7-10pm.
Sat – team training at MR (I missssss running at MR. Was just telling dearie I should have lost my ‘trail form’ as we haven’t trained at MR for almost 2 months.) classes from 1-8pm. Dinner at mummy’s, with dearie =)
Sun – training at ecp. Have to start at 6am to complete the 21km by 8am. Classes from 9-4pm. I reckon I will want to go home and sleep after which.
We are drawing very close to ahm and I must keep my form up. Dearie has been helping me to get my workout in place and he has been working hard too. Our aim is to do a personal best for ourselves.. and better the seremban timing.
Haven’t quite decided on scsm.. to do or not to do. Honestly a bit bored with it..but we are in pretty good form this year.. should we just go and do a good timing for keeps?
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