Very thankful and grateful for those who have been with me through the journey. (Oops, another speech from me again)
But this is the last time I’ll be doing this (no more academic studies for me for the next 5 years at least!) so I want to express it nevertheless.
Thank you to dearie for the countless nights and days you have stayed with me to keep me company while I studied and rushed assignment. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made.
Thank you to mummy for her encouragement. I promise I will continue to do you proud and shine in the things I do.
Thank you, pa and ma for their support. Ma always made sure we had enough to eat and would get medication for me whenever she heard I was unwell. Pa was the one who first got me thinking about my life.
Thank you, Christin for being the listening ear and sister in my life. You constantly cheered me on and told me that the finish line was near.
Thank you to all my friends who jia-you-ed me on before my exams..hehe.
All of you made a difference in my life =) So glad to finish this lap with pretty decent results. Something I would dare to print out and show my prospective employers in the future! =D
Today I officially mark the completion of all the 3 goals set when I started my career back into the corporate world.
It is easy to set goals..but the crux is to be more than a goal setter, but be a goal achiever. I continue to work to be a goal achiever. That's my pursuit for life.
Next lap, here I come!!
Well done, Tricia!
Hehe... with your perseverance, hard work and determination, u truly breezed thru the course. =)
Thank you Daniel..I appreciate the encouragement you have given me all these while too. =)
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