Having completed my first term in school, i took stock of how I have managed my time and if I’ve been effective. Moving forward, “making” more time is what I’ll strive to do.
How to make more time?
- prioritizing
- cutting down on unproductive activities
- resting and waking up early
Some things I feel I haven’t done well in the last term.
1. I left revision of qm till pretty last minute. Although I did read up the text consistently, I found that I didn’t understand well what I was reading until I worked through the questions. By the time I did work through the questions, I was 3 weeks away from exam. That wasn’t too good a strategy. For the new term, I must ensure that I am working through the questions regularly so that I can clear any doubts early and not leave it till last minute.
2. making notes. I need to make notes as I read, it’s very useful in open book exams.
3. tuition assignments. I was too fast to decide to take up the p4 assignment and now I cannot just dump it off. I should have been more focused on tutoring poa. I was anxious to take up a 2nd assignment after zx and I didn’t consider how it would affect my own activities. Good thing zx will be taking her n levels soon and that means tuition will halt after which.. so that frees up one day in the week. Anna will have her o levels at end of oct..so after that, another free day too. I wonder if hs’ dad would want to drop my tuition classes. After all, it seems like hs is still not picking up on her Chinese and English. =( on the positive note, if he calls for a stop on tuition, I can reshuffle my tuition come next year. Will be wiser in planning for tuition next year, meantime, I’ll just hold on to the 3 students I have now. hope they can do well..and that’ll be a great track record for my tuition career. =)
Moving forward, in relation to tuition, I am planning to just tutor 2 days in a week. I will only take poa assignments as poa is my pet subject after all. If hs and zx stay on with me, I will just keep to just them. At least I still can attend runfanatics wed training =)
fridays when I’m not in class, it’ll be used for gym sessions! =) Sundays with no class will be dedicated to biking or mr running. Saturdays will be for runfanatics training..argh..i miss training with the group so much!!
other than these activities with priority standing, the rest of the days, I still want to tutor to earn extra income. Dearie’s working very hard and I am going to travel alongside with him.
something I’ve been hoping to execute but I lack the determination and discipline to do so – running in the morning. it’s something challenging for me. and it’s not just about waking up early, sleeping early is also required. Not sure how I can work about this..=(
oh yes, I forgot to comment about my exams.. accounting was pretty alright. I could do the paper..and I hope I can get more than a credit for it. qm was tough..but do-able. After redoing my assignment 2 yesterday, I discovered I have done the same regression question in the exam wrongly. =X but i think I should be able to pass.. I hope to get a credit for it..hope!..i can only hope! (grading: high distinction, distinction, credit, pass, conceded pass, fail..in that order)
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