I found discipline from the air..hahaha..yesterday I stood in the bakery contemplating if I should buy a whole 4 buns of ham/cheese bread or should I just buy 1. as much as I would like to get all 4; economies of scale of buying 4 is more cost-saving.. I visualized myself gobbling all 4 and feeling guilty about it, I stopped short. Finally, I bought just 1 bun for $1 and quickly walked off, in case I succumbed to my weakness for bread.
That’s my first little victory.. over my gluttony self.
Dearie picked me up after tuition and we headed down to mummy’s place to pick up mooncake she had helped me purchase for my mummy-in-law. It’s one BIG box of temptation..gulps..resist! resist!
After we got home, dearie accompanied me for a 8.5km run.. I could sense he was very tired yet he still went with me. thank you dearie. upon getting home, he got onto doing his project. By the time he stopped for the night, it was already 1am o_O
Having turn in earlier.. I managed to get myself out for a 5km run at 5.11am.. it felt awesome! I ought to do it a lot more often.. =) and the next one on the schedule is tomorrow morning. i really want to run more..so I can enjoy good food without guilt. that was my second victory.
Tonight after tuition I’ll finish up all the housework..prepare dinner and hopefully still have time to go for a short 5km run before dearie comes back. =) I’m feeling my tummy flatter already…must keep the momentum going as the photoshoot is next Saturday..i must look at my best.. and pretty =D
and yes..i do need to hit more mileage for scsm.. i'm falling a little short of mileage these days.. back to runfanatics training and mr training soon.. =)
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