They have prepared all the accessories I need for the photoshoot and actual day.. I’ll be picking them up tonight. We have quite a constraint on transportation as we only have 1 car.. dearie will have to do 2 trips to ferry all of us out of lower pierce..sorry about the trouble dearie =(
The locations we have picked are pretty wulu..but perfectly us.. the running track..and trail (lower pierce not really trail but out of macrit, if we run further down we actually reach lower pierce..we’ve ran there a few times. nice nice. Air con road!).. these are places we enjoy running at.. =)
I’m not really for the conventional places for taking photos..i like something “us” .. I am not that bothered if it’s weird..but it’s just US! I got to know my dearie at a duathlon.. sports and training are integral to us..
Oh yes! This Sunday we are finally back into runfanatics action!! Yippee! 15km run at ecp. though I’ll be like at the back of the pack..coz I haven’t ran more than 8km for almost a month..but I just want to train with the gang! =D
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