Thursday, August 12, 2010

the day after

things revert back to normal after a good one day of high.

want to start off the day with some mini-goals. (updated at 4pm)

1. complete, check and send out group conso by end of today. -done! yayy!
2. go for a run tonight - didn't run. (update 13/08, but we biked and ran the following morning)
3. pick up some counters if it touches close to my target buy prices - i don't think i'll get to pick up any. too greedy, waited too long and now prices are recovering fast. feels like i've missed the boat. =( (update 13/08, bought in 2 counters!)

i have been utilising my time to read a novel on my htc, as dearie taught me to. i think it is good to spend the 15mins on the mrt to read instead of just staring blankly in mid air. this novel is good, i am still pretty captivated by it as i read into chapter 3. the power of a good story is how it can literally teleport you into the story itself; put yourself looking at the protagonist and how things were happening.

i am half way through the economic indicators book. unfortunately it is too bulky to carry around for me to keep reading it everyday. will bring it to bp this weekend and see how much more i can finish. it's quite a informative book but not all the information is relevant because it covers statistics of the US. we do not feel the direct impact which the release of these statistics have on singapore. nevertheless, it's good to be in the know.

we finally got to try our hands on the ipad yesterday. i totally agree that it is a blown up version of the iphone. nice, but i find it too heavy and bulky in my definition of an e-reader. but again, it has other functions which e-readers do not have. i'm not in need of another gadget at the moment. if i can keep up with my reading, then maybe an e-reader will be on my christmas list! =D

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