Sunday, March 24, 2013

catch up game

this study endeavour has been a catch-up game. perhaps i have underestimated how much i can cover in 4 months' time. i seriously need MORE time.

talking through the situation at work with dearie certainly made the big picture crystal clear. at least for the next 12months or so, i'm going to steer clear of the gunfire. do a level-2 sharing. build up my fort.

at least keep my head clear in the midst of all the strange things going on. stay focused. 

Sunday, March 03, 2013

my brain crashed

i spent my sunday doing the accounts for mummy. i thought this is the least i can help to lighten the burden on her, especially now that she is ill.

i have planned to catch up on my studies, but now it seems i am even more behind schedule. now at 10pm, after settling all the housework and accounts, i finally have time to start on studies. yet, my brain doesn't seem to want to work now. i am staring blankly on my screen, wondering what exactly i should be doing. video lectures? question bank? concept checkers? i am typing a blog entry now!

what do you do when you lag behind? i am seriously behind schedule and i am only left with 3 months. am i freaking out? somewhat.

how am i going to find time to catch up?

i need an anvil to fall on me now.