Tuesday, July 30, 2013

on the rock

i was on a flight 2 weeks ago.

steward: what would you like to drink?
me: shiraz please.
steward: on the rock?
me: (since when do we drink wine on the rock?) oh well, why not?
steward: (hands me a glass of brown liquid which tasted more like whisky..and i thought to myself..this doesn't look anywhere like shiraz? i drank it anyway and it was good!)

when i got home i told dearie about it.

dearie: on the rock?? he must have heard CHIVAS..

me: oh ya.. it did taste alot like CHIVAS!

dearie: why must you say shiraz? you could have said red wine.

me: i thought shiraz sounded more class. =X (moreover, my neighbour on the opposite aisle asked for shiraz and got hers..and i clearly heard her say shiraz. oh well, so much for trying to be a copycat. my pronounciation must have sucked.)

Monday, July 29, 2013


totally jaded today. went out for a meeting in the morning at 10am, got home intending to work but felt tiredness overcome me and i climbed into bed at 1.30pm, only to wake up 3 hours later. wasted the good day in sleep, sigh.

it is one of those days things look a little gray and uninteresting.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


i have been going around and working from home since i got back from uk. it has been quite a fruitful week, hearing and seeing much. i am looking forward to sit in my office and work, feels more proper. our dining table has been doubling as my workstation. i managed to file away quite abit of the documents, half of them belongs to mummy. done the acra and eci filing. i am only left with gst and income tax.

i need a better way to list what i need to do, now it's all over the place, whenever i remember them, i'll scribble it on whatever i can find - smartphones, notebooks (a couple of them), scraps of paper. an attempt to remind myself of the outstanding, but i find most of the items repetitive over the different modes and most of the time, each mode contains something another mode doesn't.

it's a lazy saturday - we slept through the morning, catching up on rest we didn't get over the weekdays.