Dearie scored it a 7.5 (out of 10 and not 20 I hope! =P).. however, I feel I’m far off from what mum can do. =( I burnt it a little.. added the stuff in the wrong sequence..and added way too much water.. best thing, I forgot the milk!!?! Argh. Stab stab stab myself!
I’ll upload the photos tonight. Let me find the photo of what mum cooked vs mine. It’s heaven and 3 feet down the earth. I need to practice more. Hence dearie got to bear with a few more experimental rounds. Perhaps I should consult shi-fu for enlightenment; instead of dumping all the ingredients into the pot.. on top of that, I certainly need a deeper pan because our frying pan is too shallow..and using the pot caused everything to stick. I had a hellish time scrubbing up the mess. =X
Hope dearie liked the surprise nonetheless.. =)
We spent the holiday in our best loved simple way. morning we went for a run around our home.. I did about 11.5km..and dearie did a lot more.. after which, he managed to pump up the basketball and we played that at a court nearby. It was pretty evident I don’t have much a making of a basketballer as after 15mins of throwing and dribbling..my arms were wobbly and all the shots went haywire. Dearie taught me a few nice moves. Haha. I commented on how we should form a team the next time we play basketball during runfanatic training.
Exams are fast approaching; so are assignment deadlines. There’s plenty to be done. Work hard now, enjoy later =)
p.s: the photo on the left is NOT the curry i cooked. will upload the photos of the one i cooked in the next few days.
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