1. to quickly go through pof text to grasp main concepts
2. pof assignment 2 done before Sunday!
3. keep up with training as scsm is slightly less than 5 weeks away
4. revise for exams in 3 weeks’ time
5. stay cool and in control
i’m not too sure if I’ve been violating office law too much but I’ve been studying a lot in the office these days. Lugging the heavy financial mgmt text book to office everyday, I would read it whenever work was completed for the day. It’s another month long race for me and I fight on to keep my head above the water. Commencing next week, I’m planning to study every evening, with whatever time I have. most days I’ll be pretty free, now without tuition..so I must make the most out of the time I have. feeling kind of apprehensive towards going for velocity run as traveling back from novena can be tiring and it doesn’t add value to my runs. on contrary, although I too have to travel quite a bit from rf trainings,wed trainings challenge and push me to my limits..and doing it together with team mates makes all the difference.
velocity becomes some what like doing the run for the sake of keeping it up..going through the motions..whereas team mates come to rf training hoping to become stronger and faster. Yesterday we were suffering through the sets..and the guys can still say “excellent”..”fabulous”.. “awesome”.. they are probably a little masochistic, I reckon. =P
this phrase sham said to me during training yesterday resounds within me.. “your body isn’t tired. your mind is.” Even as I continue to go through my revision, my vision fails, my brain shut downs..my shoulders ache..but I believe my mind can hold me through all that. If I can tahan sham’s training..i can tahan through the rigors of this studies. =)
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