It’s terrible to be stuck in a rut. I hate being in the ultra-pessimistic mode. A listening ear from dearie and a power-nap helped made the world a little brighter. Not that those thorns in the flesh dissipated into thin air..nor did dearie hocus-pocus them into submission.. nonetheless, I came into resignation that these thorns in life exist for a reason.
Instead of focusing my time on negative energies like these, I prefer to channel my attention to things that excite me. my bones ache for a good workout and I can’t wait for tomorrow’s training and mon’s mr relay.
Want to run more on mon, so praying for good weather! 2 tuition following that..then I get to stay home and do some studying.
A lot to catch up on. I’m lagging behind revision. =(
So quickly..we’re coming to the end of October. One step nearer to bonus. not looking forward to appraisal because thorn A is conducting it. bleah.
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