Today’s resolution:
1. Prepare the template for quarter report. this will speed up the process when the accounts are ready.
2. Start a little of the conso worksheets. Probably the related parties transaction and inter-co recon.
3. finish POF assignment up till 75%. That means hit item 7 or 8 by today.
As I sat at the bus stop reading business times before tuition, I felt the articles in the papers seem to mean a lot more now. prior to the econs and finance class, I read them at face value..now I feel I have a better understanding of what am I really reading. Especially on recession and economic downturn.. the micro and macro effects on the economy. Why
I wore a top which I kept in the closet for a long while yesterday..i felt it fitted badly on me; like the checkered pants I wore last week. somehow I felt it was tacky and I looked pretty awful in it. I’m packing it away after laundering it.. it’s becoming evident that clothes I’ve worn 5-6years ago do not always fit as they do anymore, even though I haven’t grown “out” of them.. perhaps they have outlived the era they belong to. haha.
Looking forward to training this evening. Rickety old bones getting her act back. I must admit my fitness has dropped drastically. but I do agree with wee ling that it’s not too late to start! I have less than 1.5mths to scsm and I do hope I can maintain the same kind of timing I achieved last year. Not confident of it, but I will do whatever I can. I am a fighter, and fighter doesn’t give up without a fight.
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