It was great to be back in runfanatics training on sat. although I was slow to finish the 15km..but I was just glad to complete the distance. Looking forward to more runs..want to quickly get back to wed training too.
Facing some difficulties in getting my brain to start moving, despite having the cup of nslo. Caffeine doesn’t quite work its magic on me. =(
Today’s the last lesson for zx as she’ll be sitting for her N levels POA paper tomorrow. wishing her all the best =)
As zx’s lessons come to a close, anna will take over the Monday slot come 13 oct. I find anna an easier student to coach as she’s more open to concepts.
Principles of finance is quite an interesting module to do. intensive was like a pressure cooker though.. I am trying to figure out the calculations and get into the whole flow of things. I’m sitting with 3 other classmates; familiar faces from the last qm module. As we’ll be working in groups of 3, I’ll be forming a group with marilyn and roger (a new student). I’m totally at ease with working with marilyn as I find sparring thoughts with her helps me understand the concepts better. She guided me through qm last term too, which I am really grateful for =)
I may be dropping hs tuition next year as I find that it’s not maximizing my time best. I will be selective in only picking POA students as I find in doing so, I am maximizing returns! Hahaha (look I’m in the finance flow already!) all tuition lesson should end before November so I have 2 months to seek out new POA students for 2009. ideally I will want to take 2 POA students, 2 days a week.. and the rest of the days I want to study and train.
Tahan abit more! We’re hitting the finishing line for this year’s tuition soon. Hang on dearie! hang on tricia!
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