Dearie and I made 4 pairs of earrings ourselves! On Tuesday noon, mummy and I went to the handicraft shop near her shop and I bought the materials required. Upon reaching home the same evening, I began working on them. dearie saw me clumsily fumbling with the pliers, he came over and offered his help. He’s really good with the pliers and cutter.. as he worked steadily through the beads, hooks and rings. I was the design engineer while dearie was the technician! He stringed most if not all the earrings together and the satisfaction from the amateurish attempt was beyond words. =)
Tricia is fast becoming a hiao-po. First I wanted to make my own earrings..then I wanted to make myself pretty. After using the kanebo lunasol samples..i want to upgrade from l’oreal to that.. a part of me still feels it’s unnecessary and a waste of effort..but much of me yearns to bring out the better side of me..after how jesslin literally transformed me, to the point I could not believe what I saw in the mirror.
It made me realize I can be pretty too. It just takes some effort. =)
Dearie has the making of a make up artiste, we were discussing the other day. He’s really good with colours..and make up is all about blending colours! Painting faces!
Not sure if it’s a good thing or not..but because my office is tucked in the far corner of Singapore, and by nature of work, I needn’t meet external vendors nor customers, I’ve become very chin-chai with my dressing to work. I recalled using make up on the first few days of work, only to eventually revert back to the sloppish me for a brief while. Then I picked myself up to look more corporate.. and sometimes a little boring. The daily routine is to get into office. Sit at my workstation. Face the monitor. Leave work at 5pm. That’s about all it ever gets.
Tahan a while more.. the next place I go, will hold more than this. =)
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