Tuesday, June 01, 2010

running wild

Dearie left early for KL this morning. It felt weird lying in bed without him around. His perfume lingered in the room; I shut the windows so I can keep the scent in. it made me smile.

The long weekend was full of pigging out and it made me feel almost like a..pig. food galore, I just stuffed myself full. I felt a lot heavier trying to run yesterday. Time to burn those fats off.

We’ve sent out the entry forms for seremban in july. That’s something to train towards. Though I am not aiming to do as well as last year, I hope I can prepare myself better for it. hence it will be a lot of macrit for us in the coming 6 weeks.

I received an additional allowance on top of the pay increment. I am thankful for it as having more around means I get to save more. I overspent last month as i spent all my pay increment on an early birthday present for mum. I am aiming to get dearie a good present so I hope my equities will rise in time for me to cash in on it. alternatively, I’m going to save enough this month for it.

Work is getting more challenging, with the director asking for more complex reports. today I am feeling better than yesterday. I am going to work on the reports required today. Start early, work swiftly and then leave on time to get to safra for my run.

That’s something to look forward to. =) time to start work now!

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