Tuesday, June 22, 2010

scrooge with pork

i am such a scrooge. i scoured 5 locations within yew tee just to find discounted hair conditioner. conclusion: ntuc still offers the best buys within yew tee vicinity.

i am such a weird scrooge. i am looking at that $10 note in my wallet and wondering if i should spend it on lunch. i have only $0.50 loose change and i am hoping to keep my $10 around, as long as possible. hence, i made myself a mug of milo+instant cereal+sugar to keep my hunger away. pretty filling though. good change from the oily meals i've been having.

i just finished reading my fundamental analysis book. yayy! now onto the next! at least i am making progress now.

to end off the entry, just to share a cold joke between dearie and i. no offence to all world cup fans. or to prk and por fans in particular.

while watching the world cup match between portugal and north korea, i made a mindless joke. Portugal was abbreviated by 'POR' while north korea was abbreviated by 'PRK' (short for People's Republic of Korea).

me: "Waa bb, it's a match between PORK! we have PORK without the K (POR) against PORK without the O (PRK)."

dearie: "not funny.."

me: "orh.." (sulk)

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